This is what Encounter did for me.
Dry Bones
This may sound like a dream,
Or some kind of crazy vision.
I was In the midst of a dark trial,
My life had lost all meaning.
Every day that passed by,
I felt my soul sinking deeper.
I didn’t have strength to speak
Somehow I managed a whisper.
Will these dry bones live again?
I’ve been in this valley for ages.
Will racing thoughts ever cease?
My mind is prisoner to its cages.
Will these dry bones dance again?
I’m weary from the wandering.
I long to hear Him sing over me,
That’s a sound my soul is missing.
Will these dry bones praise again?
If I could only find a reason.
It seems I forgot how to pray,
In the darkness of this season.
Will these dry bones feel again?
My heart is broken into pieces.
I am numb from all the pain,
I’d give anything to feel it beating.
Will these dry bones live again?
I don’t know if I’m worth saving.
Like an old picture in a frame,
Day by day my hope is fading.
Will these dry bones live again,
Tell me , what are my chances?
There is just a shell left of me,
Laying here in these ashes.
Wait … whose voice is that I hear?
It’s like a quiet whisper.
Someone is calling me by name,
I can feel Him getting closer.
Before I know what’s happening,
God is standing right next to me.
I felt my heart leap in my chest,
As I heard him speak this clearly.
“Child what are you doing here,
Why are you laying in this rubble?”
He said “it’s time to get up now,
I’m equipping you for battle”.
“The season you’re walking in,
Was sent to make you stronger “.
“So get up out of this grave,
You can’t stay here any longer “!
Then He blew his breath on me,
And said “My Spirit rise up in her”.
“Break every chain off her mind
“And fill her heart with purpose”.
“I put my breath in her lungs,
And I give her eyes my vision”.
“I prepare her hands and feet,
For a very important mission”.
“To share my love with everyone,
And tell them of her story”.
“How a test became her testimony,
And she gives me all the Glory”!
Ezekiel 37:4-5
Then the Lord said to me, ‘Prophesy to these bones. Say to them, “Dry bones, listen to the Lord's message! This is what the Almighty Lord says to you bones: Listen! I will put breath into you and you will become alive.
I came to encounter thinking I was already prepared for the walls God was going to have me face. Though my husband, sisters, and friends told me there was no way to prepare for what God had in store for me throughout those three days, I was determined but wouldn't you know they were right!!! God really dug down deep..WAY down deep. The part that I thought was hidden way at the bottom that no one could see..not even Him. But He brought the darkness to light! And PRAISE HIS SWEET NAME! JESUS!!! I can't help but smile as I type this because one word is all I can say...FREEDOM! He set me free from harvesting unforgiveness that had been there so long I could barely recognize it and I was able to experience God in such a joyous and peaceful way and I don't want to go back!!!
During my first encounter, God delivered me from shame and guilt that I carried around, always making me feel unworthy of anything good or any love. God put his love and Spirit into me and I am no longer ashamed of my past because I realized Jesus died to make me new and the girl from my past has died! During following Encounter's, while I served other new participants, God showed me how to identify when the enemy is whispering lies to me and that I have the truth in me and that I can keep the devil under my foot! God set me free bondage to this world!!!
I am compelled to take the time to share my testimony and experience that I recently had with God. I have just returned from a three day retreat by NWFL Encounters. I went out of obedience to God. Never did I ever expect to receive what I did. God began speaking to me from the moment I arrived on Friday. The Holy Spirit continues to peel off the layers and reveal more things like an onion. I sat there and I could hear the Holy Spirit gently whisper "I have kept you and delivered you each time." I kept asking God, "What is it that you want me to see?" I felt a stirring in my spirit and I knew there was more He was revealing. I felt the heaviness and the weight I have been carrying leave me and I felt more free in Christ then I ever have. It was all God, not a person, but all God. It is hard to put into words what I felt. It was very surreal. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I was grateful and joyous like never before. As I walked away from this weekend the last word God spoke to me was that everything that happened this weekend was all about yielding. Yielding, willingly yielding it over to God. I challenge you. I do not care how close you are, what your calling is or where you are at in life, this encounter that I experienced was life changing. If you are able to join us at one of the encounters, you will not be disappointed. I want to impress upon you again it is worth making every effort to be a part of this time away for you and your encounter with God.
I can truly say that my life was changed when I went through my encounter in August 2016. In just three short days, God showed me so much love and mercy. For many many years I lived in shame. I could barely face the person I seen when I looked in the mirror. I have done so many horrible things and didn't think I was worthy of God's love. During the encounter God showed me how much He loved me and that He had already forgiven me for the things of my past and He helped me to forgive myself. I now am proud of the person I am and I know God will use me to help others overcome as well. In literally just three days I was set completely free from all the chains that were holding me down and keeping me from really enjoying this wonderful life God has given me. I will forever have a special place in my heart for this ministry and all the amazing women and men who are part of it. Remember we are never too far gone because Jesus said in Luke 5:32 "I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent."
I walked around with a face, like a mask. I smiled everyday and nobody knew. This past weekend, I took that mask off and put a real smile on because I have JOY, REAL TRUE JOY. It's an amazing feeling and I only did it through GOD...That's what the Encounter did for me. What will it do for you? You won't know until you go!
So this weekend was possibly the best weekend I have had in forever. I let go of so much stuff. So much anger, hurt and hatred and I have never felt so good. I am so peaceful and happy. I don't feel like I'm dying inside anymore. I have had some stuff happen to me this weekend that I never thought was possible but it was the best feeling I have ever felt. My God showed me just how real He is and how much He truly loves me. I have given my life back to the Lord and I am going to serve Him and worship Him. No, I am not ashamed of saying this. I am happy to say this. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. He is our almighty God and His love for us is never ending. I am going to fulfill my purpose He has for me!!! If you have hurt, anger, or feel like you can't go any farther or just don't believe how real God is because you haven't felt him, then you need to go to an Encounter because it will help you and our God will show you just how real he is. - Pandora Wells (p.j)
No it wasn't great It was so very amazing! I highly encourage everyone, both men and women to go to an Encounter I promise that it will change your life and you will be a new person You will Encounter God in a way like never before If any of the following apply to you please come • Hatred • Depression • Un-forgiveness • Generational Curses • Addiction • Anger • Sadness • If you feel like there is something missing in your heart or a space that cannot be filled • If you're an atheist Or anything else Please I highly encourage you to come to an encounter The Men's Encounter is November 6th,7th, and 8th and the next women's Encounter is in February so please please please go I promise you won't regret it! And I'm a 16 year old girl!! So yes If I could do it and have such an amazing experience then you can too!
My dad, Randy Martin lives in Baker and attends Milligan Assembly. He invited my husband and I to the Encounters. My husband and I live in Atlanta and also attend an Assembly of God church so we were very excited to check it out. My husband went to his encounter in April 2015. He was a changed man when he got back home and could not tell me enough how badly he wanted me to go. My Encounter was in July 2015. While I was already familiar with the Holy Spirit, I was not prepared for the depth of the Encounter that I had with my God that weekend! I had a lot of bitterness and anger built up toward some people who used my daughter's death as a means for their own attention and drama. Not only did He take that from me, he revealed to me some junk I had in my spirit that I didn't even realize was there. He took all of it and replaced it with His peace and love. Of course, I am still a work in progress and will always be. But each Encounter that I attend reveals more and more to me just how precious my relationship with my Heavenly Father is and just how precious I am to Him. I would urge anyone of any faith or religion to attend at least one Encounter and see what God can do. He is good all the time, if you just allow Him to show you!
When I first came to this Encounter, I was so isolated and alone until I felt how much God loved and wanted me. He broke down the walls of loneliness and insecurity within my life. He took me into a spiritual place with Him and He molded, shaped and transformed my heart and made me anew. My chains have finally fallen, The Lord set me free! And He wants to set you free too!
Before going to my Encounter, I thought I was okay. I lived my life the way I thought any good Christian should and I strived to be Christ-like in everything I did. I thought everything was good in my life; UNTIL my Encounter. I was FREED of chains I didn't even realize were there, freed from heartache I didn't know I still harbored, and I felt the power and presence of God like I'd never felt Him before! This Encounter is not just for people who know they're broken, it's for people like me and so many others that just want to be closer to the Lord and don't realize how broken they really are. He fills in all those forgotten cracks to make you a truly whole person and not just for those 3 days, it's for the rest of your life! As my friend Amanda said, "If you knew that in 72 hours your entire life could be changed for the better, why wouldn't you do it?"
I wasn't saved until age 45, but I lived hard for Jesus during the next ten years. I went to the Men's Encounter to get some men to quit asking me every time it came around! I made quite a few excuses NOT to go but finally relented. I thought my walk with the Lord was in great shape, until those 3 days! WOW! God had something specially for me and I can't thank Him enough. He saved my marriage and gave me a renewal that I didn't even know was possible. I recommend that everyone come to the Encounter and see what God has specially for them. You won't be disappointed!
WOW, words can't really describe those three days. LIFE CHANGING would be a great start. Being a Holy Ghost filled Christian for over 30 years, I just knew I was clean and had asked forgiveness for ALL my sins. Let me tell you, there are sins deep down inside that we hide and cover up because we don't want others to know about them. We eventually hide them from ourselves and we forget they are there. This weekend helped me bring those out so I could be COMPLETELY Forgiven! I have never felt soo free! To God Be The Glory!!!
Never in my life did I think I would meet a group of Gentlemen that were as caring and concerned about my life and my salvation! I am forever grateful to these men and the Northwest Florida Men's Encounter.
These 3 days changed my life forever!
This encounter changed my life forever! I became more on fire for God than I have ever been.
I am the youngest person to come through this 3 day life changer and the love shown by the God I serve and the men that are always there to help was like nothing I have ever felt.....and it gets better!
This 3 day event changed my life and set me on a path for eternity with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He showed me that NOTHING was too hard for Him and that He had a special purpose for my life. I am forever grateful for this vehicle God has chosen to use to touch the lives of so many people. I continue to seek and expect God to use this ministry to save the lost, the broken hearted, and to ignite a generation of believers that may enter into the Kingdom together on the day when that mighty trumpet sounds! Thank You Lord and the humble servants of the ministry known as Men's Encounter. Love Y'all!